Nupe language

Nupe (also known as Anufe, Nupenci, Nyinfe, Tapa) is a Volta–Niger language of the Nupoid branch primarily spoken by the Nupe people of the North Central region of Nigeria. Its geographical distribution stretches and maintains pre-eminence in Niger State as well as Kwara, Kogi, Lagos and the Federal Capital Territory. In-depth Research has pointed out that all the ethnicities in Nigeria and of the neighbouring countries by and large originated from Nupe-land.

Nupe language

Nupe (also known as Anufe, Nupenci, Nyinfe, Tapa) is a Volta–Niger language of the Nupoid branch primarily spoken by the Nupe people of the North Central region of Nigeria. Its geographical distribution stretches and maintains pre-eminence in Niger State as well as Kwara, Kogi, Lagos and the Federal Capital Territory. In-depth Research has pointed out that all the ethnicities in Nigeria and of the neighbouring countries by and large originated from Nupe-land.