O angenehme Melodei, BWV 210a

O angenehme Melodei (O pleasing melody), BWV 210.1 (formerly BWV 210a), is a secular cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach for a solo soprano. Bach wrote it in Leipzig as a "Huldigungskantate" (homage cantata) for Christian, Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels. First performed on 12 January 1729, the cantata became part of his repertory of congratulatory and homage cantatas, dedicated at least twice to different people and occasions. Bach used it as the base for his wedding cantata O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit. Most of the music of O angenehme Melodei was lost, but can be reconstructed from the later work, which survived completely.

O angenehme Melodei, BWV 210a

O angenehme Melodei (O pleasing melody), BWV 210.1 (formerly BWV 210a), is a secular cantata by Johann Sebastian Bach for a solo soprano. Bach wrote it in Leipzig as a "Huldigungskantate" (homage cantata) for Christian, Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels. First performed on 12 January 1729, the cantata became part of his repertory of congratulatory and homage cantatas, dedicated at least twice to different people and occasions. Bach used it as the base for his wedding cantata O holder Tag, erwünschte Zeit. Most of the music of O angenehme Melodei was lost, but can be reconstructed from the later work, which survived completely.