Offering (Buddhism)

In Buddhism, symbolic offerings are made to the Triple Gem, giving rise to contemplative gratitude and inspiration. Typical material offerings involve simple objects such as a lit candle or oil lamp, burning incense, flowers, food, fruit, water or drinks. Within the traditional Buddhist framework of karma and rebirth, offerings lead to the accumulation of merit, which leads to: * a better rebirth in the cycle of birth and death (Pali: vattagamini-kusala) * progress towards release from suffering (Pali: vivattagamini-kusala). These offerings often act as preparation for meditation.

Offering (Buddhism)

In Buddhism, symbolic offerings are made to the Triple Gem, giving rise to contemplative gratitude and inspiration. Typical material offerings involve simple objects such as a lit candle or oil lamp, burning incense, flowers, food, fruit, water or drinks. Within the traditional Buddhist framework of karma and rebirth, offerings lead to the accumulation of merit, which leads to: * a better rebirth in the cycle of birth and death (Pali: vattagamini-kusala) * progress towards release from suffering (Pali: vivattagamini-kusala). These offerings often act as preparation for meditation.