Ogi no Shiori

Ogi no Shiori (荻のしをり) is a Japanese dictionary of words for use in renga (linked verse). It is also known as Shirin Man'yō Ryōzai (詞林万葉良材), Shiori Ogi (しをり荻) and Shirin Kōmoku (詞林綱目). It was compiled by by around 1692, when he wrote the preface, and first entered print in 1718. It contains a total of around 3,500 entries, and was well-received due to its ease of use and comprehensiveness.

Ogi no Shiori

Ogi no Shiori (荻のしをり) is a Japanese dictionary of words for use in renga (linked verse). It is also known as Shirin Man'yō Ryōzai (詞林万葉良材), Shiori Ogi (しをり荻) and Shirin Kōmoku (詞林綱目). It was compiled by by around 1692, when he wrote the preface, and first entered print in 1718. It contains a total of around 3,500 entries, and was well-received due to its ease of use and comprehensiveness.