Onorato Candiota

Onorato Candiota (... - after 1808) was an Italian professor of philosophy and math at the Real Convitto di Bari, in Bari, Italy. He lived between the 18th and 19th centuries. The exact dates and places of birth and death are currently unknown, even though it is known that he was from Altamura, Italy. He's best known for his participation in the so-called Altamuran Revolution (1799). He died short after 1808. A street in Altamura, Italy has been named after him (via Onorato Candiota).

Onorato Candiota

Onorato Candiota (... - after 1808) was an Italian professor of philosophy and math at the Real Convitto di Bari, in Bari, Italy. He lived between the 18th and 19th centuries. The exact dates and places of birth and death are currently unknown, even though it is known that he was from Altamura, Italy. He's best known for his participation in the so-called Altamuran Revolution (1799). He died short after 1808. A street in Altamura, Italy has been named after him (via Onorato Candiota).