Open Commons Consortium

The Open Commons Consortium (aka OCC - formerly the Open Cloud Consortium) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit venture which provides cloud computing and resources to support "scientific, environmental, medical and health care research." OCC manages and operates resources including the Open Science Data Cloud (aka OSDC), which is a multi-petabyte scientific data sharing resource. The consortium is based in Chicago, Illinois, and is managed by the 501(c)3 .

Open Commons Consortium

The Open Commons Consortium (aka OCC - formerly the Open Cloud Consortium) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit venture which provides cloud computing and resources to support "scientific, environmental, medical and health care research." OCC manages and operates resources including the Open Science Data Cloud (aka OSDC), which is a multi-petabyte scientific data sharing resource. The consortium is based in Chicago, Illinois, and is managed by the 501(c)3 .