Operation Able Warrior

Operation Able Warrior was conducted by Task Force Baghdad soldiers in the early-morning hours of 4 August 2005 to defeat terror cells operating west of the Baghdad International Airport. The mission of Operation Able Warrior was to disrupt car-bombing cells and those that place roadside bomb, and prevent them from planning, preparing and carrying out terrorist attacks in the area. The purpose of the mission was to aid the Iraqi Security Forces in the area in their day-to-day operations, and to secure the perimeter of the Baghdad International Airport.

Operation Able Warrior

Operation Able Warrior was conducted by Task Force Baghdad soldiers in the early-morning hours of 4 August 2005 to defeat terror cells operating west of the Baghdad International Airport. The mission of Operation Able Warrior was to disrupt car-bombing cells and those that place roadside bomb, and prevent them from planning, preparing and carrying out terrorist attacks in the area. The purpose of the mission was to aid the Iraqi Security Forces in the area in their day-to-day operations, and to secure the perimeter of the Baghdad International Airport.