Operation Fluid Drive

Operation Fluid Drive was a non-combatant evacuation operation led by the United States to evacuate American citizens and other foreign nationals from Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War. On 20 June 1976, USS Spiegel Grove transported 110 Americans and 157 nationals of other countries from Lebanon to Piraeus, Greece. On 27 July, 300 additional persons, including 155 Americans, were evacuated to Piraeus. The cruiser USS Little Rock was present off the Lebanese coast during both evacuations.

Operation Fluid Drive

Operation Fluid Drive was a non-combatant evacuation operation led by the United States to evacuate American citizens and other foreign nationals from Beirut, Lebanon, during the Lebanese Civil War. On 20 June 1976, USS Spiegel Grove transported 110 Americans and 157 nationals of other countries from Lebanon to Piraeus, Greece. On 27 July, 300 additional persons, including 155 Americans, were evacuated to Piraeus. The cruiser USS Little Rock was present off the Lebanese coast during both evacuations.