Operation Madago Raya

Operation Madago Raya (Indonesian: Operasi Madago Raya), previously known as Operation Tinombala, is a joint police-military operation conducted by the Indonesian National Police and the Indonesian Armed Forces to capture and/or eliminate members of Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT), an Indonesian terrorist group which supports ISIL and was commanded by Santoso. In 2016, the Indonesian military and police succeeded in killing Santoso, but the then Chief of the National Police Tito Karnavian continued the operation to ensure the region's safety from the remaining members of the group. Central Sulawesi governor Longki Djanggola praised the operation for its relatively humane methods, since several leaders of the group were successfully captured alive.

Operation Madago Raya

Operation Madago Raya (Indonesian: Operasi Madago Raya), previously known as Operation Tinombala, is a joint police-military operation conducted by the Indonesian National Police and the Indonesian Armed Forces to capture and/or eliminate members of Mujahidin Indonesia Timur (MIT), an Indonesian terrorist group which supports ISIL and was commanded by Santoso. In 2016, the Indonesian military and police succeeded in killing Santoso, but the then Chief of the National Police Tito Karnavian continued the operation to ensure the region's safety from the remaining members of the group. Central Sulawesi governor Longki Djanggola praised the operation for its relatively humane methods, since several leaders of the group were successfully captured alive.