Operation Thunderbolt (film)

Operation Thunderbolt, known in Israel as Mivtsa Yonatan (מבצע יונתן‎, literally "Operation Jonathan") (also known as Entebbe: Operation Thunderbolt in the US), is a 1977 Israeli film directed by Menahem Golan and stars Klaus Kinski, Yehoram Gaon and Sybil Danning. The film is based on an actual event – the hijacking of a flight by terrorists and the freeing of Israeli hostages on July 4, 1976. The operation was known as (Operation Entebbe, military code name: "Operation Thunderbolt") at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Operation Thunderbolt follows the events following the flight's takeoff until the hostages' return to Israel.

Operation Thunderbolt (film)

Operation Thunderbolt, known in Israel as Mivtsa Yonatan (מבצע יונתן‎, literally "Operation Jonathan") (also known as Entebbe: Operation Thunderbolt in the US), is a 1977 Israeli film directed by Menahem Golan and stars Klaus Kinski, Yehoram Gaon and Sybil Danning. The film is based on an actual event – the hijacking of a flight by terrorists and the freeing of Israeli hostages on July 4, 1976. The operation was known as (Operation Entebbe, military code name: "Operation Thunderbolt") at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Operation Thunderbolt follows the events following the flight's takeoff until the hostages' return to Israel.