Opinions (TV series)

Opinions was a British talk programme broadcast on Channel 4 television in the 1980s and 1990s. According to Time magazine, Opinions gave "a public figure 30-minutes of airtime each week to expound on a controversial topic (Germaine Greer on Margaret Thatcher, Edward Teller on nuclear defence)". "A speaker could express his or her own views straight to camera for 30 minutes" "an earnest of Channel 4's faith and mission to bring edgy, alternative fare to the public and to excite reaction".

Opinions (TV series)

Opinions was a British talk programme broadcast on Channel 4 television in the 1980s and 1990s. According to Time magazine, Opinions gave "a public figure 30-minutes of airtime each week to expound on a controversial topic (Germaine Greer on Margaret Thatcher, Edward Teller on nuclear defence)". "A speaker could express his or her own views straight to camera for 30 minutes" "an earnest of Channel 4's faith and mission to bring edgy, alternative fare to the public and to excite reaction".