Orgyen Lingpa

Orgyen Lingpa (o rgyan gling pa), (1323 – c. 1360) was one of the greatest Tibetan tertöns or treasure-finders of the 14th century. "At the age of twenty-three he is said to have discovered an extensive treasure inventory (gter ma kha byang) at Samye Monastery in the Red Stupa." Orgyen Lingpa discovered the important terma Pema Katang (The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava) and many other important texts in the west-facing Pema Shelpuk cave near the entrance of the Yarlung Valley.

Orgyen Lingpa

Orgyen Lingpa (o rgyan gling pa), (1323 – c. 1360) was one of the greatest Tibetan tertöns or treasure-finders of the 14th century. "At the age of twenty-three he is said to have discovered an extensive treasure inventory (gter ma kha byang) at Samye Monastery in the Red Stupa." Orgyen Lingpa discovered the important terma Pema Katang (The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava) and many other important texts in the west-facing Pema Shelpuk cave near the entrance of the Yarlung Valley.