Oscar Egede-Nissen

Oscar Egede-Nissen (March 7, 1903 – November 1, 1976) was a Norwegian actor. He appeared in dozens of films from his debut in 1936 onward, his last being An-Magritt in 1969. Egede-Nissen was an unruly child, and he was sent to the alternative Odenwald School in Germany. He came home and started high school, but soon left again, this time on a long trip to South America. He went whaling and spent time in Buenos Aires. He ended up as an illegal immigrant to the United States, where he became a professional soldier and flew to the Philippines. There he had a falling out with a lieutenant, and he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. With the help of connections in Norway, including Prime Minister Johan Ludwig Mowinckel, he was pardoned after 14 months.

Oscar Egede-Nissen

Oscar Egede-Nissen (March 7, 1903 – November 1, 1976) was a Norwegian actor. He appeared in dozens of films from his debut in 1936 onward, his last being An-Magritt in 1969. Egede-Nissen was an unruly child, and he was sent to the alternative Odenwald School in Germany. He came home and started high school, but soon left again, this time on a long trip to South America. He went whaling and spent time in Buenos Aires. He ended up as an illegal immigrant to the United States, where he became a professional soldier and flew to the Philippines. There he had a falling out with a lieutenant, and he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment. With the help of connections in Norway, including Prime Minister Johan Ludwig Mowinckel, he was pardoned after 14 months.