Otholobium curtisiae

Otholobium curtisiae is a small spreading shrub assigned to the Pea family. All green parts are covered in hairs and urn-like glands. It has many woody stems, small and somewhat succulent, dark green alternately set clover-like leaves and heads consisting of 3-9 white, pea-like flowers on very short peduncles in the axils of the leaves. This species is an endemic of the Overberg area in the Western Cape province of South Africa. It mostly flowers in August and September.

Otholobium curtisiae

Otholobium curtisiae is a small spreading shrub assigned to the Pea family. All green parts are covered in hairs and urn-like glands. It has many woody stems, small and somewhat succulent, dark green alternately set clover-like leaves and heads consisting of 3-9 white, pea-like flowers on very short peduncles in the axils of the leaves. This species is an endemic of the Overberg area in the Western Cape province of South Africa. It mostly flowers in August and September.