Overcoming Autism

Overcoming Autism: Finding the Answers, Strategies, and Hope That Can Transform a Child's Life is a book that novelist Claire Scovell LaZebnik co-wrote with therapist , of the UCSB Autism Research and Training Center, in 2004. Lynn writes about strategies for educating and working with children with autism, and Claire writes about her experience raising her autistic son. The book includes specific advice for teaching and raising children with autism, as well as personal anecdotes of families with autistic children.

Overcoming Autism

Overcoming Autism: Finding the Answers, Strategies, and Hope That Can Transform a Child's Life is a book that novelist Claire Scovell LaZebnik co-wrote with therapist , of the UCSB Autism Research and Training Center, in 2004. Lynn writes about strategies for educating and working with children with autism, and Claire writes about her experience raising her autistic son. The book includes specific advice for teaching and raising children with autism, as well as personal anecdotes of families with autistic children.