
Overveen is a town in North Holland in the Netherlands, in the municipality of Bloemendaal. Overveen lies on the eastern fringe of the North Sea dunes. To the east it borders the built-up areas of Haarlem. A few kilometres to the west of the town lies the Erebegraafplaats Bloemendaal (Honorary Cemetery), where many Second World War victims have been reburied, including resistance fighter Hannie Schaft, sculptor and resistance leader Gerrit van der Veen, banker and resistance member Walraven van Hall, Physician and former Wehrmacht officer Karl Groeger, and sculptor and resistance member Johan Limpers. The town is connected to rail service by the Overveen railway station.


Overveen is a town in North Holland in the Netherlands, in the municipality of Bloemendaal. Overveen lies on the eastern fringe of the North Sea dunes. To the east it borders the built-up areas of Haarlem. A few kilometres to the west of the town lies the Erebegraafplaats Bloemendaal (Honorary Cemetery), where many Second World War victims have been reburied, including resistance fighter Hannie Schaft, sculptor and resistance leader Gerrit van der Veen, banker and resistance member Walraven van Hall, Physician and former Wehrmacht officer Karl Groeger, and sculptor and resistance member Johan Limpers. The town is connected to rail service by the Overveen railway station.