Owen Mock

Owen R. Mock was a computer software designer and programmer who pioneered computer operating systems in the 1950s. In 1954 Mock was part of a group of programmers at the Los Angeles division of North American Aviation (NAA) who developed the PACT series of compilers for the IBM 701 computer. In December 1955, Mock's group installed in the IBM 701 the "North American 701 Monitor" which was the first operating system to be in operation.

Owen Mock

Owen R. Mock was a computer software designer and programmer who pioneered computer operating systems in the 1950s. In 1954 Mock was part of a group of programmers at the Los Angeles division of North American Aviation (NAA) who developed the PACT series of compilers for the IBM 701 computer. In December 1955, Mock's group installed in the IBM 701 the "North American 701 Monitor" which was the first operating system to be in operation.