P. linearis

P. linearis may refer to: * Palafoxia linearis, a plant species in the genus Palafoxia * Persoonia linearis, a shrub species in the genus Persoonia * Petalonyx linearis, the narrowleaf sandpaper plant, a flowering plant species native to the deserts of eastern California, western Arizona and northwestern Mexico * Petrophile linearis, the Pixie mops, a shrub species endemic to Western Australia * Phacelia linearis, the linear-leaf scorpion-weed, a plant species in the genus Phacelia native to Canada * Philotheca linearis (A.Cunn. ex Endl.) Paul G.Wilson, a plant species in the genus Philotheca * Phlegethontia linearis, an extinct amphibian species from the Carboniferous and Permian periods of Europe and North America * , an algae species in the genus Prasiola * , a plant species in

P. linearis

P. linearis may refer to: * Palafoxia linearis, a plant species in the genus Palafoxia * Persoonia linearis, a shrub species in the genus Persoonia * Petalonyx linearis, the narrowleaf sandpaper plant, a flowering plant species native to the deserts of eastern California, western Arizona and northwestern Mexico * Petrophile linearis, the Pixie mops, a shrub species endemic to Western Australia * Phacelia linearis, the linear-leaf scorpion-weed, a plant species in the genus Phacelia native to Canada * Philotheca linearis (A.Cunn. ex Endl.) Paul G.Wilson, a plant species in the genus Philotheca * Phlegethontia linearis, an extinct amphibian species from the Carboniferous and Permian periods of Europe and North America * , an algae species in the genus Prasiola * , a plant species in