Pactum Lotharii

The Pactum Lotharii was an agreement signed on 23 February 840, between Republic of Venice and the Carolingian Empire, during the respective governments of Pietro Tradonico and Lothair I. This document was one of the first acts to testify to the separation between the nascent Republic of Venice and the Byzantine Empire: for the first time the Doge, on his own initiative, undertook agreements with the Western world. The Pactum was renewed by kings Charles III (887), Berengar I (888), Guy (891), Rudolf (925), Hugh (927), Otto I (967) and Otto III (983).

Pactum Lotharii

The Pactum Lotharii was an agreement signed on 23 February 840, between Republic of Venice and the Carolingian Empire, during the respective governments of Pietro Tradonico and Lothair I. This document was one of the first acts to testify to the separation between the nascent Republic of Venice and the Byzantine Empire: for the first time the Doge, on his own initiative, undertook agreements with the Western world. The Pactum was renewed by kings Charles III (887), Berengar I (888), Guy (891), Rudolf (925), Hugh (927), Otto I (967) and Otto III (983).