Pan Am Flight 7

Pan Am Flight 7 was a westbound around-the-world flight originating in San Francisco that crashed in the Pacific Ocean on November 8, 1957, while flying to Honolulu, Hawaii. The aircraft assigned to the flight was a Boeing 377 Stratocruiser named Clipper Romance Of The Skies, and the crash killed all 36 passengers and 8 crew members. No radio reports of any emergencies were ever received from the crew of the flight, and the fate of the flight was not known until about nine hours after its last known radio transmission when the plane, if it had still been flying, would have exhausted its fuel. Under the assumption that the plane could have survived a controlled landing on the ocean surface, the United States Coast Guard launched a massive search for the plane and any potential survivors. Th

Pan Am Flight 7

Pan Am Flight 7 was a westbound around-the-world flight originating in San Francisco that crashed in the Pacific Ocean on November 8, 1957, while flying to Honolulu, Hawaii. The aircraft assigned to the flight was a Boeing 377 Stratocruiser named Clipper Romance Of The Skies, and the crash killed all 36 passengers and 8 crew members. No radio reports of any emergencies were ever received from the crew of the flight, and the fate of the flight was not known until about nine hours after its last known radio transmission when the plane, if it had still been flying, would have exhausted its fuel. Under the assumption that the plane could have survived a controlled landing on the ocean surface, the United States Coast Guard launched a massive search for the plane and any potential survivors. Th