Partido Auténtico

The Cuban Revolutionary Party – Authentic (Spanish: Partido Revolucionario Cubano – Auténtico, PRC-A), commonly called the Authentic Party (Spanish: Partido Auténtico, PA), was a political party in Cuba most active between 1933 and 1952. Although the Partido Auténtico had significant influence, it eventually became unpopular and, despite significant reforms, Fulgencio Batista returned to power.

Partido Auténtico

The Cuban Revolutionary Party – Authentic (Spanish: Partido Revolucionario Cubano – Auténtico, PRC-A), commonly called the Authentic Party (Spanish: Partido Auténtico, PA), was a political party in Cuba most active between 1933 and 1952. Although the Partido Auténtico had significant influence, it eventually became unpopular and, despite significant reforms, Fulgencio Batista returned to power.