Patife Band

Patife Band ("patife" is a word in Portuguese meaning "stooge" or "knucklehead") is a Brazilian post-punk band formed in São Paulo in 1983 by Paulo Barnabé, initially under the name Paulo Patife Band. They are considered to be one of the major exponents of the "Vanguarda Paulistana" movement. Characterized by its heavily experimental and almost non-descript musical style, that uses dodecaphonism and atonality as main principles of composition and flirts with many different genres such as jazz, punk rock, traditional Brazilian music and popular music, it was favorably compared to American band Pere Ubu, and one critic at some point called their sound "a crossing between King Crimson and Fear".

Patife Band

Patife Band ("patife" is a word in Portuguese meaning "stooge" or "knucklehead") is a Brazilian post-punk band formed in São Paulo in 1983 by Paulo Barnabé, initially under the name Paulo Patife Band. They are considered to be one of the major exponents of the "Vanguarda Paulistana" movement. Characterized by its heavily experimental and almost non-descript musical style, that uses dodecaphonism and atonality as main principles of composition and flirts with many different genres such as jazz, punk rock, traditional Brazilian music and popular music, it was favorably compared to American band Pere Ubu, and one critic at some point called their sound "a crossing between King Crimson and Fear".