Pavle Čortanović

Pavle Čortanović (Novi Sad, then Habsburg Monarchy, now Serbia, 5 February 1830 - Belgrade, Serbia, 31 March 1903) was a Serbian painter. Pavle was the son and student of Petar Čortanović. Pavle also studied art at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts from 1845 until the winter semester of 1852-1853.

Pavle Čortanović

Pavle Čortanović (Novi Sad, then Habsburg Monarchy, now Serbia, 5 February 1830 - Belgrade, Serbia, 31 March 1903) was a Serbian painter. Pavle was the son and student of Petar Čortanović. Pavle also studied art at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts from 1845 until the winter semester of 1852-1853.