Peace of Cremona (1441)

The Peace of Cremona was concluded on 20 November 1441 between the Republic of Venice and the Duchy of Milan, ending the long conflict between the two powers over mastery in northern Italy. Through the mediation of Francesco Sforza, an armistice was concluded on 6 August, and negotiations began in late September at the field of Cavriana near Cremona, chosen as neutral ground. Sforza secured for himself the lordship of Cremona and the hand of Bianca Maria Visconti, the daughter of the Duke of Milan, Filippo Maria Visconti—and thus, since the Duke had no other heir, his own ultimate succession to the ducal throne.

Peace of Cremona (1441)

The Peace of Cremona was concluded on 20 November 1441 between the Republic of Venice and the Duchy of Milan, ending the long conflict between the two powers over mastery in northern Italy. Through the mediation of Francesco Sforza, an armistice was concluded on 6 August, and negotiations began in late September at the field of Cavriana near Cremona, chosen as neutral ground. Sforza secured for himself the lordship of Cremona and the hand of Bianca Maria Visconti, the daughter of the Duke of Milan, Filippo Maria Visconti—and thus, since the Duke had no other heir, his own ultimate succession to the ducal throne.