Pedro Rubens David

Pedro R. David was born in , Tucumán, Argentina on 21 July 1929. He is currently first deputy-president of Courtroom II of the Federal Court of Criminal Appeals (Cámara de Casación). He is a lawyer (UNT – University of Tucumán), doctor in sociology (Indiana University Bloomington, USA), doctor in law and social sciences (UNT) and doctor in political sciences (UK –University John F. Kennedy). He is a former judge Ad-Litem at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, The Hague, The Netherlands, and he has specialized in research areas, such as crime prevention, victimology and corruption. He founded the University John F. Kennedy and has held positions in various universities here: Buenos Aires University, University John F. Kennedy, University of Morón, N

Pedro Rubens David

Pedro R. David was born in , Tucumán, Argentina on 21 July 1929. He is currently first deputy-president of Courtroom II of the Federal Court of Criminal Appeals (Cámara de Casación). He is a lawyer (UNT – University of Tucumán), doctor in sociology (Indiana University Bloomington, USA), doctor in law and social sciences (UNT) and doctor in political sciences (UK –University John F. Kennedy). He is a former judge Ad-Litem at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, The Hague, The Netherlands, and he has specialized in research areas, such as crime prevention, victimology and corruption. He founded the University John F. Kennedy and has held positions in various universities here: Buenos Aires University, University John F. Kennedy, University of Morón, N