Peruvian Civil War of 1843–1844

The Peruvian Civil War of 1843–1844 was the second internal conflict in 19th century Peru (after the Peruvian Civil War of 1834). It was fought between the government forces of Vivanco and Echenique against the revolutionaries led by Domingo Nieto and Ramon Castilla. A battle was fought at Pachia in Tacna on August 29, 1843. A clash occurred at San Antonio, Moquegua on October 27, 1843. Domingo Nieto died on February 17, 1844. From June 17 to June 29, 1844, fighting occurred in the capital Lima between the government and supporters of Domingo Elías. A final clash occurred at Carmen Alto on July 22, 1844.

Peruvian Civil War of 1843–1844

The Peruvian Civil War of 1843–1844 was the second internal conflict in 19th century Peru (after the Peruvian Civil War of 1834). It was fought between the government forces of Vivanco and Echenique against the revolutionaries led by Domingo Nieto and Ramon Castilla. A battle was fought at Pachia in Tacna on August 29, 1843. A clash occurred at San Antonio, Moquegua on October 27, 1843. Domingo Nieto died on February 17, 1844. From June 17 to June 29, 1844, fighting occurred in the capital Lima between the government and supporters of Domingo Elías. A final clash occurred at Carmen Alto on July 22, 1844.