Pestalotiopsis microspora

Pestalotiopsis microspora is a species of endophytic fungus capable of breaking down and digesting polyurethane. Originally identified in fallen foliage of common ivy (Hedera helix) in Buenos Aires, it also causes leaf spot in Hypericum 'Hidcote' (Hypericum patulum) shrubs in Japan. Pestalotiopsis microspora was originally described from Argentina in 1880 by mycologist Carlo Luigi Spegazzini, who named it Pestalotia microspora.

Pestalotiopsis microspora

Pestalotiopsis microspora is a species of endophytic fungus capable of breaking down and digesting polyurethane. Originally identified in fallen foliage of common ivy (Hedera helix) in Buenos Aires, it also causes leaf spot in Hypericum 'Hidcote' (Hypericum patulum) shrubs in Japan. Pestalotiopsis microspora was originally described from Argentina in 1880 by mycologist Carlo Luigi Spegazzini, who named it Pestalotia microspora.