Peter II (cat)

Peter II was a black cat who was employed as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office in 1946 and 1947, during the government of Clement Attlee. Peter II assumed the role on an unofficial basis from his predecessor, Peter. The young kitten served a truncated term as mouser; some six months after his appointment, he was struck by a car in Whitehall, and died. He was succeeded by Peter III, in August 1947.

Peter II (cat)

Peter II was a black cat who was employed as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office in 1946 and 1947, during the government of Clement Attlee. Peter II assumed the role on an unofficial basis from his predecessor, Peter. The young kitten served a truncated term as mouser; some six months after his appointment, he was struck by a car in Whitehall, and died. He was succeeded by Peter III, in August 1947.