Peter McGregor

Peter James McGregor (10 November 1947 – 11 January 2008) was an Australian Anarchist known for his political activism, University teaching and commitment to direct action. He was actively involved and often led the major Australian and international political campaigns of the last 40 years. McGregor's first foray into political action was a (2 person) demonstration in SUPPORT of the hanging of Ronald Ryan the last Australian to be executed, in Victoria in 1967. Then in 1967 he joined a sit-in at Sydney University's Fisher Library over increases in library fines.

Peter McGregor

Peter James McGregor (10 November 1947 – 11 January 2008) was an Australian Anarchist known for his political activism, University teaching and commitment to direct action. He was actively involved and often led the major Australian and international political campaigns of the last 40 years. McGregor's first foray into political action was a (2 person) demonstration in SUPPORT of the hanging of Ronald Ryan the last Australian to be executed, in Victoria in 1967. Then in 1967 he joined a sit-in at Sydney University's Fisher Library over increases in library fines.