Peter of Apamea

Peter (Syriac: Peṭrūs or Peṭrā) was the bishop of Apamea from at least 514/515 until his removal in 519. A protégé of Severus of Antioch, Peter was the only non-Chalcedonian bishop in the province of Syria Secunda and appears to have been the only non-Chalcedonian clergyman in his diocese. He succeeded Cosmas, who resigned. He was present at the in 514/515, which approved the Henoticon, and at the Council of Antioch in 515/516. He purged the names of Apamea's Chalcedonian bishops from the diptychs of the cathedral of Saint John in Apamea. He sent a force of Isaurians (probably mercenary soldiers) to subdue the Monastery of Saint Maron, which had evidently rebelled against his authority and may have been threatening violence themselves. There were casualties and Peter was accused of using

Peter of Apamea

Peter (Syriac: Peṭrūs or Peṭrā) was the bishop of Apamea from at least 514/515 until his removal in 519. A protégé of Severus of Antioch, Peter was the only non-Chalcedonian bishop in the province of Syria Secunda and appears to have been the only non-Chalcedonian clergyman in his diocese. He succeeded Cosmas, who resigned. He was present at the in 514/515, which approved the Henoticon, and at the Council of Antioch in 515/516. He purged the names of Apamea's Chalcedonian bishops from the diptychs of the cathedral of Saint John in Apamea. He sent a force of Isaurians (probably mercenary soldiers) to subdue the Monastery of Saint Maron, which had evidently rebelled against his authority and may have been threatening violence themselves. There were casualties and Peter was accused of using