Philippine All Stars

The Philippine All-Stars is a Filipino Hip-hop dance group from the Philippines. They won the 2006 and 2008 World Hip Hop Dance Championships.Hip-hop community viewed All-Star as one of most jaw-dropping crew to ever exist. They were formed on 2005 by twelve individuals that were working in the Manila underground Hip-hop scene. They also joined the “Artists Revolution: 365 days to change” campaign which asks the Filipino voters to be more critical in choosing their political leaders in the coming 2010 elections.This Group set the high Standard of Dancing in the Philippines and gave the young dancers hope and inspirations.

Philippine All Stars

The Philippine All-Stars is a Filipino Hip-hop dance group from the Philippines. They won the 2006 and 2008 World Hip Hop Dance Championships.Hip-hop community viewed All-Star as one of most jaw-dropping crew to ever exist. They were formed on 2005 by twelve individuals that were working in the Manila underground Hip-hop scene. They also joined the “Artists Revolution: 365 days to change” campaign which asks the Filipino voters to be more critical in choosing their political leaders in the coming 2010 elections.This Group set the high Standard of Dancing in the Philippines and gave the young dancers hope and inspirations.