
PhotoForum Inc. is a non-profit New Zealand photography organisation founded 12 December 1973 in Wellington "dedicated to the promotion of photography as a means of communication and expression," and is also the title of its magazine, first published in February 1974. The magazine issues were discontinued after 1984, but the organisation continues to publish a series of books on New Zealand photography and photographers with the same ISSN. One of these, number 83, is a 273 page, large format history of PhotoForum Inc. published with Rim Books and edited by art historian Nina Seja.


PhotoForum Inc. is a non-profit New Zealand photography organisation founded 12 December 1973 in Wellington "dedicated to the promotion of photography as a means of communication and expression," and is also the title of its magazine, first published in February 1974. The magazine issues were discontinued after 1984, but the organisation continues to publish a series of books on New Zealand photography and photographers with the same ISSN. One of these, number 83, is a 273 page, large format history of PhotoForum Inc. published with Rim Books and edited by art historian Nina Seja.