Pillage of Sigtuna

The Pillage of Sigtuna was an event in the summer of 1187 described in the Eric Chronicles and in annals from the 14th century. According to the chronicle as quoted below, the town of Sigtuna was burnt by Estonians on August 12. Archbishop Johannes of Uppsala was killed near the Almarestäkets fort. At that time, Sigtuna was the most important town of medieval Sweden. The Eric Chronicles describes the events as follows:

Pillage of Sigtuna

The Pillage of Sigtuna was an event in the summer of 1187 described in the Eric Chronicles and in annals from the 14th century. According to the chronicle as quoted below, the town of Sigtuna was burnt by Estonians on August 12. Archbishop Johannes of Uppsala was killed near the Almarestäkets fort. At that time, Sigtuna was the most important town of medieval Sweden. The Eric Chronicles describes the events as follows: