Pitt Men's Glee Club

The University of Pittsburgh Men's Glee Club (also known as the Pitt Men's Glee Club or PMGC) is a men's choir of students at the University of Pittsburgh and is the oldest nonathletic extracurricular group at the University. Founded in 1890 by John L. High, the Glee Club performs at First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh and normally goes on a concert tour each year, with an international tour every 3rd year. Recently, the Glee Club has performed in areas such as Texas, Philadelphia, New York City, Belgium, France, and a recent 125th anniversary tour of Italy in the spring of 2015.

Pitt Men's Glee Club

The University of Pittsburgh Men's Glee Club (also known as the Pitt Men's Glee Club or PMGC) is a men's choir of students at the University of Pittsburgh and is the oldest nonathletic extracurricular group at the University. Founded in 1890 by John L. High, the Glee Club performs at First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh and normally goes on a concert tour each year, with an international tour every 3rd year. Recently, the Glee Club has performed in areas such as Texas, Philadelphia, New York City, Belgium, France, and a recent 125th anniversary tour of Italy in the spring of 2015.