Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2007

The Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2007, also known as simply the Perform Act of 2007 and sometimes written as PERFORM Act was a bill introduced January 11, 2007 in the 110th Congress by Dianne Feinstein (California-D) and sponsored by Lindsey Graham (South Carolina-R), Joe Biden (Delaware-D), and Lamar Alexander (Tennessee-R) to the United States Senate as S. 256. It superseded the Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2006.

Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2007

The Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2007, also known as simply the Perform Act of 2007 and sometimes written as PERFORM Act was a bill introduced January 11, 2007 in the 110th Congress by Dianne Feinstein (California-D) and sponsored by Lindsey Graham (South Carolina-R), Joe Biden (Delaware-D), and Lamar Alexander (Tennessee-R) to the United States Senate as S. 256. It superseded the Platform Equality and Remedies for Rights Holders in Music Act of 2006.