Plexiform angiomyxoid myofibroblastic tumor

Plexiform angiomyxoid myofibroblastic tumor (PAMT), also called plexiform angiomyxoma, plexiform angiomyxoid tumor, or myxofibroma, is an extremely rare benign mesenchymal myxoid tumor along the gastrointestinal tract. Most of PAMTs occur in the gastric antral region, but they can be situated anywhere in the stomach. There is one recorded case of PAMT located in duodenum.

Plexiform angiomyxoid myofibroblastic tumor

Plexiform angiomyxoid myofibroblastic tumor (PAMT), also called plexiform angiomyxoma, plexiform angiomyxoid tumor, or myxofibroma, is an extremely rare benign mesenchymal myxoid tumor along the gastrointestinal tract. Most of PAMTs occur in the gastric antral region, but they can be situated anywhere in the stomach. There is one recorded case of PAMT located in duodenum.