
Polònia (meaning "Poland" in the Catalan language) is a popular comedy TV show broadcast in Catalonia by the public broadcasting TV3. It has more than a million viewers and is one of the most watched TV shows in Catalonia. It is hosted by Toni Soler who conducted other successful Catalan programmes such as Malalts de tele or Set de nit. It won the 2007 Ondas award. The name of the programme comes from the common derogatory slur in the Spanish language polaco (literally "Pole" or "Polish") referring to the Catalan people or the Catalan language.


Polònia (meaning "Poland" in the Catalan language) is a popular comedy TV show broadcast in Catalonia by the public broadcasting TV3. It has more than a million viewers and is one of the most watched TV shows in Catalonia. It is hosted by Toni Soler who conducted other successful Catalan programmes such as Malalts de tele or Set de nit. It won the 2007 Ondas award. The name of the programme comes from the common derogatory slur in the Spanish language polaco (literally "Pole" or "Polish") referring to the Catalan people or the Catalan language.