Polyakov action

In physics, the Polyakov action is an action of the two-dimensional conformal field theory describing the worldsheet of a string in string theory. It was introduced by Stanley Deser and Bruno Zumino and independently by L. Brink, P. Di Vecchia and P. S. Howe (in "A locally supersymmetric and reparametrization invariant action for the spinning string", Physics Letters B, 65, pp. 369 and 471 respectively), and has become associated with Alexander Polyakov after he made use of it in quantizing the string (in "Quantum geometry of the bosonic string", Physics Letters B, 103, 1981, p. 207). The action reads

Polyakov action

In physics, the Polyakov action is an action of the two-dimensional conformal field theory describing the worldsheet of a string in string theory. It was introduced by Stanley Deser and Bruno Zumino and independently by L. Brink, P. Di Vecchia and P. S. Howe (in "A locally supersymmetric and reparametrization invariant action for the spinning string", Physics Letters B, 65, pp. 369 and 471 respectively), and has become associated with Alexander Polyakov after he made use of it in quantizing the string (in "Quantum geometry of the bosonic string", Physics Letters B, 103, 1981, p. 207). The action reads