Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather

Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather is an 1896 painting by Camille Pissarro in the collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario. It is one of a series of paintings Pissarro did of the and the industrial quays surrounding it. Pissarro spent time in Rouen in 1896 seeking to paint the industrial modernity of the area. He had earlier made a trip in 1883, and did one series of images of the city then. On this his first 1896 trip he stayed at the Hôtel de Paris in Rouen from January to April 1896, during which time this painting was made. His room overlooked the Seine, and it is from this vantage point that it is painted.

Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather

Pont Boieldieu in Rouen, Rainy Weather is an 1896 painting by Camille Pissarro in the collection of the Art Gallery of Ontario. It is one of a series of paintings Pissarro did of the and the industrial quays surrounding it. Pissarro spent time in Rouen in 1896 seeking to paint the industrial modernity of the area. He had earlier made a trip in 1883, and did one series of images of the city then. On this his first 1896 trip he stayed at the Hôtel de Paris in Rouen from January to April 1896, during which time this painting was made. His room overlooked the Seine, and it is from this vantage point that it is painted.