Popular Unity (Ecuador)

The Popular Unity Movement (UP) (in Spanish: Movimiento Unidad Popular) is an Ecuadorian political movement of the revolutionary left close to Marxism-Leninism to be conformed with the electoral wing of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador. Member of the National Agreement for Change. It arose after the CNE removed the Democratic People's Movement from its legal status after declaring the existence of poor electoral results on the part of this party. The members of the previous party formed Unidad Popular to replace the old MPD, in which they would continue their political work.

Popular Unity (Ecuador)

The Popular Unity Movement (UP) (in Spanish: Movimiento Unidad Popular) is an Ecuadorian political movement of the revolutionary left close to Marxism-Leninism to be conformed with the electoral wing of the Marxist Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador. Member of the National Agreement for Change. It arose after the CNE removed the Democratic People's Movement from its legal status after declaring the existence of poor electoral results on the part of this party. The members of the previous party formed Unidad Popular to replace the old MPD, in which they would continue their political work.