Population Census Edict

The Population Census Edict (人掃令, Hitobarai Rei) was a law promulgated in the name of Kampaku Toyotomi Hidetsugu in 1592, the first year of the Bunroku era during the Azuchi–Momoyama period. It is known in Japanese as the Hitobarai Rei or Ninbetsu Aratame. Although it was recorded in the historical document Chronicles of the Kikkawa Clan that the Population Census Edict was promulgated in 1591, more recent research has called this into question and most experts now agree on 1592 as the correct date.

Population Census Edict

The Population Census Edict (人掃令, Hitobarai Rei) was a law promulgated in the name of Kampaku Toyotomi Hidetsugu in 1592, the first year of the Bunroku era during the Azuchi–Momoyama period. It is known in Japanese as the Hitobarai Rei or Ninbetsu Aratame. Although it was recorded in the historical document Chronicles of the Kikkawa Clan that the Population Census Edict was promulgated in 1591, more recent research has called this into question and most experts now agree on 1592 as the correct date.