Portal (computer)

Portal R2E CCMC was a portable microcomputer designed and marketed by the studies and developments department of the French firm R2E Micral and officially appeared in September 1980 at the Sicob show in Paris. The Osborne 1 was released eight months later, in April 1981. specializing in payroll and accounting. Several hundred examples were sold between 1980 and 1983. Extremely rare, no museum has a Portal; two are in private collections.

Portal (computer)

Portal R2E CCMC was a portable microcomputer designed and marketed by the studies and developments department of the French firm R2E Micral and officially appeared in September 1980 at the Sicob show in Paris. The Osborne 1 was released eight months later, in April 1981. specializing in payroll and accounting. Several hundred examples were sold between 1980 and 1983. Extremely rare, no museum has a Portal; two are in private collections.