Post–World War II anti-fascism

Post–World War II anti-fascism, including antifa groups (/ˈæntifɑː, ænˈtiːfə/), anti-fascist movements and anti-fascist action networks, saw the development of political movements describing themselves as anti-fascist and in opposition to fascism. Those movements have been active in several countries in the aftermath of World War II during the second half of the 20th and early 21st century.

Post–World War II anti-fascism

Post–World War II anti-fascism, including antifa groups (/ˈæntifɑː, ænˈtiːfə/), anti-fascist movements and anti-fascist action networks, saw the development of political movements describing themselves as anti-fascist and in opposition to fascism. Those movements have been active in several countries in the aftermath of World War II during the second half of the 20th and early 21st century.