Pranas Vaičaitis

Pranas Vaičaitis (10 February 1876 – 21 September 1901) was a Lithuanian poet. After graduation from the Marijampolė Gymnasium, he studied law at the Saint Petersburg University. Due to the violations of the Lithuanian press ban, he was imprisoned for a month in 1899 and could not find a jurist job. With the help of professor Eduards Volters, he obtained a job at the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences before progressing tuberculosis forced him to return home. He died at the age of 25 and left less than a hundred original poems. His first poems were published in 1896 in Varpas though the vast majority of them were published in Vienybė lietuvninkų, a Lithuanian newspaper published in Plymouth, Pennsylvania. The first collection of his poems was published posthumously in 1903 in the U

Pranas Vaičaitis

Pranas Vaičaitis (10 February 1876 – 21 September 1901) was a Lithuanian poet. After graduation from the Marijampolė Gymnasium, he studied law at the Saint Petersburg University. Due to the violations of the Lithuanian press ban, he was imprisoned for a month in 1899 and could not find a jurist job. With the help of professor Eduards Volters, he obtained a job at the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences before progressing tuberculosis forced him to return home. He died at the age of 25 and left less than a hundred original poems. His first poems were published in 1896 in Varpas though the vast majority of them were published in Vienybė lietuvninkų, a Lithuanian newspaper published in Plymouth, Pennsylvania. The first collection of his poems was published posthumously in 1903 in the U