Prasiae (Attica)

Prasiae or Prasiai (Ancient Greek: Πρασίαι) was a deme of ancient Athens on the east coast, between Potamus and Steiria, with an excellent harbour, from which the Theoria or sacred procession used to sail. Here was a temple of Apollo, and also the tomb of Erysichthon of Attica, who died at this place on his return from Delos.

Prasiae (Attica)

Prasiae or Prasiai (Ancient Greek: Πρασίαι) was a deme of ancient Athens on the east coast, between Potamus and Steiria, with an excellent harbour, from which the Theoria or sacred procession used to sail. Here was a temple of Apollo, and also the tomb of Erysichthon of Attica, who died at this place on his return from Delos.