
Presstitute is a term that references journalists and 'talking heads' in mainstream media who give biased and predetermined views misleadingly tailored to fit a particular partisan, financial or business agenda, thus neglecting the fundamental duty to report news impartially. Coined by American researcher Gerald Celente, the word is a portmanteau of press and prostitute. The term became popular in the social media after General Vijay Kumar Singh, the former Indian Union Minister of State for External Affairs, began referring to a section of the media as "presstitutes" in his tweets.


Presstitute is a term that references journalists and 'talking heads' in mainstream media who give biased and predetermined views misleadingly tailored to fit a particular partisan, financial or business agenda, thus neglecting the fundamental duty to report news impartially. Coined by American researcher Gerald Celente, the word is a portmanteau of press and prostitute. The term became popular in the social media after General Vijay Kumar Singh, the former Indian Union Minister of State for External Affairs, began referring to a section of the media as "presstitutes" in his tweets.