Prime Minister of Yemen

The prime minister of the Republic of Yemen is the head of government of Yemen. Under the Constitution of Yemen, the prime minister is appointed by the President, and the former, as well as their Cabinet, must enjoy confidence from the House of Representatives. The current prime minister of Yemen is Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed. He took office on 18 October 2018, after President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi removed his predecessor, pro-Houthi Ahmed Obeid bin Dagher, from office.

Prime Minister of Yemen

The prime minister of the Republic of Yemen is the head of government of Yemen. Under the Constitution of Yemen, the prime minister is appointed by the President, and the former, as well as their Cabinet, must enjoy confidence from the House of Representatives. The current prime minister of Yemen is Maeen Abdulmalik Saeed. He took office on 18 October 2018, after President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi removed his predecessor, pro-Houthi Ahmed Obeid bin Dagher, from office.