Promotion of Putonghua

Promotion of Putonghua (Chinese: 推广普通话; pinyin: tuīguǎng Pǔtōnghuà, also 推普) is a movement led by the government of China since the Communist Party come to the power. Currently, the Promotion of Putonghua is led by (国家语言文字工作委员会), a working organ which is the language regulator of People's Republic of China.

Promotion of Putonghua

Promotion of Putonghua (Chinese: 推广普通话; pinyin: tuīguǎng Pǔtōnghuà, also 推普) is a movement led by the government of China since the Communist Party come to the power. Currently, the Promotion of Putonghua is led by (国家语言文字工作委员会), a working organ which is the language regulator of People's Republic of China.