
Proterovaginoceras (Ancient Greek for "earlier shield horn") is a medium to large sized endocerid (endocone-bearing orthoconic nautiliod) from the Early and Middle Ordovician included in the family Endoceratidae. Proterovaginoceras was named by Reudemann in 1905. Dideroceras Flower 1950 and Chisloceras Gortani 1934 are probably synonymous equivalents.


Proterovaginoceras (Ancient Greek for "earlier shield horn") is a medium to large sized endocerid (endocone-bearing orthoconic nautiliod) from the Early and Middle Ordovician included in the family Endoceratidae. Proterovaginoceras was named by Reudemann in 1905. Dideroceras Flower 1950 and Chisloceras Gortani 1934 are probably synonymous equivalents.