Protest the Hero

Protest the Hero is a Canadian progressive metal band from Whitby, Ontario. Originally named Happy Go Lucky, the band changed their name to Protest the Hero, then released their debut EP, Search for the Truth, in 2002. In 2005, the band released their first album Kezia on Canadian indie label Underground Operations. During this time, the band continued work on the upcoming album and after vocalist Rody Walker successfully recovered from vocal issues, were able to complete their follow-up to 2013's Volition, titled Palimpsest, which was released on June 18, 2020.

Protest the Hero

Protest the Hero is a Canadian progressive metal band from Whitby, Ontario. Originally named Happy Go Lucky, the band changed their name to Protest the Hero, then released their debut EP, Search for the Truth, in 2002. In 2005, the band released their first album Kezia on Canadian indie label Underground Operations. During this time, the band continued work on the upcoming album and after vocalist Rody Walker successfully recovered from vocal issues, were able to complete their follow-up to 2013's Volition, titled Palimpsest, which was released on June 18, 2020.